1. index.php changes always backup original elsewhere copy paste link lists elsewhere Replace "https://taxicabdelivery.online/" & "/airportrides/" & ".airportrides.today" with new domain & folder name if changed for example "https://taxicab.tech/" "/taxicab/" ".taxicab.tech" "https://roomservice.guru/" "/roomservice/" ".roomsevice.guru" Test code & links find and replace in original if working 2. Indepent Dispatch index.php Change Mail Settings add new email & new password So form forwards to new email USA Dispatch No Changes needed Form still emails to whatever email entered into form & provides direct download to email or text directly for redundency. 3. Change main index.php Header / Footer Image updated with new desired city, state, location, name, email, logo..... 4. copy to 500+ folders located in /united folder 5. upload to your domain 6. forward domain to index.php if not using root directory 7. Nationwide Deployment Done Estimated time less than 1 hour depending on upload speed.